Bunk Beds That Separate
Separate your bunk beds to 2 beds.
When choosing the right bed for your children, there are plenty of options the market today. While there are other choices, there is no denying that bunk beds are the best of fun and function! When choosing this type of bed, you have a choice between bunk beds that separate and those that are one piece. Here are a few reasons to consider choosing bunk beds that separate as opposed to one-piece designs.
It lets you change up the layout of the room.
One of the best aspects about bunk beds that aspect is you can change up the layout of the room on a whim. Whether your child is tired of bunk beds or just wants a change to the look of the room, separating the beds allows for some change without the need to buy anything new. This is also useful if you are looking to change the layout in a way that allows for both beds to be placed side by side.
Works well for changing rooms.
If your children shared a room and now they will each have their own room, a bunk bed can be a problem if it doesn’t separate. With detachable bunk beds, you can easily move the additional bed into the new bedroom with ease. The good news is that if the family ever moves and needs to go back to bunk beds, it is easy to reattach the top bunk to save on space should room sharing become the norm again.
Great for aging kids.
The preferences of your child might change with age. This is normal and to be expected for most parents. One of the best reasons to get bunk beds that separate is for this very reason. While your 10-year-old might love their bunk beds; a teen may not be quite a fan of the setup and may just want a single-story bed. You can easily store the top bunk away somewhere to give them the setup to match their age while still having the option of converting it back into a bunk bed later on as needed, or having an additional bed for sleepovers or holidays.