Bunk Bed sizing so you can choose the correct size bed
Choose the right size for your bunk and loft beds.
When shopping for a new bed of any type, it is important to figure out the matter of sizing before you buy. Many people skip the important aspect of figuring out if the size is right and instead focus just on price. This can lead to discomfort and a bed that your child can’t grow into. Here are a few things you need to know about bunk bed sizing to help you get the right fit for your child.
Measure the available space of the room.
You want to measure the available space of the room to make sure you get an option that will fit without overpowering the room. You should select where you want to put the bed and then measure using a tape measure while still keeping in mind that your child will need room to move around, play, study, or entertain friends that come over. Remember, just because you can fit a larger bed frame in the room doesn’t mean you have to get the biggest bunk bed frame on the market. It is about what works for your child, your budget, and the size of the room.
Consider the height and weight of your child.
While the space of the room is important, you also want to consider the person sleeping in the bed. If you choose a bed that is too small for your child, they won’t achieve a comfortable night of rest because they will feel cramped. While it is a good idea to consider buying a bed size larger than you need to ensure roomy comfort, you may still end up getting more bed than you need and going over budget. A good rule of thumb is to measure the height of your child and then consider the length of the available mattresses. Make sure you go over the height of your child in length by at least 1 foot to ensure a bed that is right for them. The matter of weight capabilities is also important. Most bunk beds have suggested weight limits of 200 pounds for the bottom bunk and 175 pounds for the top bunk.
Factor in average growth expectancy.
Another way to look at bunk bed sizing is to consider the expected growth rate of your child. If you choose a twin bed for your kindergartener, chances are they can grow into that bed for a few years because they are small enough whereas an older child may appreciate a larger bed for more room. It is important to note that twin and full are the same in the matter of length with the real difference showing up in width. The best way to make sure your child will be happy with the size of the bed is to have them try out different mattress in a store before you buy, even if you are buying online, just to get a better idea.
So take a look at these bunk bed size options:
Twin over Twin Stairway Bunk Beds
Twin over Full Stairway Bunk Beds
Full over Full Stairway Bunk Beds